You Need To Be Wise About Money
You have $100 — what should you do with it?
Note: this article introduces money, finance, and investing — it is not advice. Do not follow anything without a full understanding of the underlying topics. I am not a professional, and my knowledge is likely flawed. Proceed with caution.
Broadly, you have 3 choices:
- Spend it — buy a shiny toy,
- Save it in the bank for a rainy day. The bank uses it to invest in whatever it chooses while you have it saved and pays you a paltry interest, or
- Invest it yourself in a stock of your choice.
In all these cases, you shape the world of tomorrow.
How? Read on to find out.
The goal of this article is to address these simple questions:
Why is finance so complex? More importantly, why should you care?
TL;DR: Finance is complex because the future is uncertain and humans are selfish. The end goal of finance and money is to help you mitigate this. It is important because it forms the bedrock of the society we live in — it puts the Capital in Capitalism. Investing allows you to live a better life and make the world a better place — or, you know…